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  • Issue #1: GM! Solana Developer Communities... and some Drama

Issue #1: GM! Solana Developer Communities... and some Drama

Wikipedia bias, Bankless buffoons, and a roundup of tools & tips for Solana developers.


Last week I decided to launch a Solana based newsletter aimed mostly at developers, but with a mix of general Solana ecosystem news too. 

Seemed like as good of a time as any, right? Nothing too crazy going on. Then crypto Twitter went and lost its collective mind! 


🤡 Biased Wikipedia Solana Page

First was an obvious negative bias against Solana on Wikipedia being called out by several people. For example: 

When this was called out the replies from Wikipedia mods ranged from  uneducated to just plain hostile: 

Just another reason to ignore those fundraising campaigns which they don't even need

Oh but we weren't done yet…

🥊 Bankless "Victory Lap"

David Hoffman of Bankless really stepped into it with this ill-advised tweet:

I'm not even going to begin to go into why this is a terrible take from an otherwise smart dude (just read the replies). 

The guys at Bankless don't really deny they're Ethereum & L2 maxis, but he conveniently leaves out the fact that ETH was 80% off its own ATH just last year. 

Also missing is any mention of the serious growing pains Ethereum faced in its first 3 years. 

Look, I'm a paid member of Bankless. I love what they do for the space, but focusing on the longest running, most established smart contract blockchain, while trying to dunk on other chains, isn't a win worthy of a victory lap. 

What it did was just galvanize the Solana community even more! While he wouldn't go as far as admitting he said anything wrong, he did say the passion of Solana fans is a bullish sign. 

Ok, on to the fun stuff…

💎 Solana Developer News

Solana's high ranking in the March 2023 Validator Health Report  - Tweet

LamportDAO Solana developer community opens to the public - Discord

Pass the "Bootcamp" to join the Solana Collective community - Tweet

Huge collection of Solana programming resources - GitHub

Introduction to the native "account abstraction" on Solana - Tweet

Merkle Trees and Account Compression explained - YouTube

Mastering the Solana Runtime book (in progress) - GitHub

Solana app idea for the next billion users - Tweet

TolyGPT.com  AI trained on Solana validator codebase - Tweet

A technical deep-dive into Solana and the PoH architecture - Article

The bright future of ‘Play-and-Own’ games - Article

🎙️ @_ilmoi and @0xrwu talk building Tensor - Podcast 

🗓️ Events

Austin Hacker House

Austin, TXApril 20  - April 24

This special Sol.Ladies edition of the Solana x Jump x Circle Hacker House is a five-day offline event that focuses on amplifying women’s voices and experiences in the space.

Thanks for reading ✌️

I really hope you found something useful here! If you have any suggestions or feedback just let me know what you think.